Sunday, March 23, 2008

Woh Aayen Ya Na Aayen

People get inspiration in weird places. I myself have always maintained, greatest inspiration come from three places. Jail, Lab and Loo. If you don't believe me. Go sit in any place mentioned before for at least an hour and I bet you will feel inspired and ready to change the world. You still think I am joking.

Anyways, I will tell you where I feel best to write my poems. I am inspired most in my management lectures. Believe me, Sonar Sir teaching "Intelligent Systems in Management" in his monotone with only fans making any other sound is the most productive one hour one can have. That one hour allows you to fly high on the wings of imagination, or delve deep in the thought, or simply nod off to the other world.

So here is a poem, that is written in such a lecture. I particularly like a few shers in this Ghazal. Which I will tell you once I know what do you like.

the Ghazal is,

बर सितम: Because of her tantrums, evil doings.
उफक : Horizon
बाम : Railing of Roof, छत
हश्र : Morning of Doom, the judgment day.
क़र्ज़-ऐ-जीस्त : Debt of Life.

Let me know, what do you think?
Leave your comments


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Zindagi Hai Tez Meri

Hi All,

Welcome back!

Generally, after reading my own Ghazals a few times, I start hating them. I am not sure if it happens with others, but I get bored of them soon

This might be the reason why I seek for endorsement by others. To keep believing that I am doing good... anyways....

But this ghazal is an exception, no matter how many times I read it. I still like it. This Ghazal doesn't follow any particular theme, just jumps around on issues. It comments on Life, Love, Journey and whatever came to my mind at that time.

Please let me know, what is your take on this?

गुबार : Cloud of dust after passing of a vehicle
जकडनो : Clamps, shackles
हादिसे : Events, Accidents
खुमार : Madhoshi, Nasha, Intoxication
दयार : Place, Home, Building
रह्गुज़ार : Road
खार : Kaante, Thorn
गरेबाँ : Girehbaan, Collar
ग़म-ऐ-रोज़गार : Sorrows of daily life (Different from pains of love)
मज़ार : Mausoleum, Samadhi

Waiting for your comments


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Log Kahte Hain Ki Mein Shayar Hoon


This time, I am posting a Nazm (Free Style of writing). As far as I know Nazm does not follow any rule at all. All it cares for is good thought and better words. I wrote it based on what I understood from many others I have read (Not the content but style)

This Nazm is basically in very plain words and in a very straightforward manner (i.e. without any metaphors and other innovative usage ala Gulzar Sahab) talks about what a poet actually offers when he writes a ghazal and gives it to the world.

A few tough words you will encounter.

Shay : Item, thing
Pulinda : Gathri, Potli
Saa'atien : Seconds, Pal
Ash'aar : Plural of Sher (couplet)

Let me know what do you think?? Seriously!!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kahaan Humsafar Umr Bhar

Thanks for visiting the blog again.
just a few words before I post another ghazal here.
You can criticize the Ghazal as much as you like, what I am really looking for is your honest opinion or feedback. I want to know if these ghazals are good, mediocre or plain trash. Finally, a word explaining why you think so would be greatest help but that is optional.

So here is the Ghazal.

I like Ist, IVth, Vth and Last sher very much of this ghazal....Why? I will tell later first let me kow what do you think of this effort.

Gaayban : Often

Waiting eagerly

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ibteda - Where it all started

The year was 1999. Place was IIT Roorkee, Rajendra Bhawan, Room no F-66. A friend of mine bought a book called "sher-o-shairy". Out of curiosity, I borrowed it and started flipping through pages. I read a few, marked a few and hated a few but basically I was hooked to the book. A few months later, I was going to home. On my way to home in vacations as usual I was alone. I never had any friends with me unlike, junta going to Kanpur and Patna. So, I always use to have a lot of cassettes, a walkman, a good novel. This time a I bought Mirza Ghalib from Railway wheeler shop worth Rs 75/- just to see what the hype was about.

When I reached Kota next morning, I had not slept one wink all night, I was reading this Ghalib book and something in me changed forever. I started reading more and more. Every visit I made to the market, I came back with a book. I started collecting them, soon I had with me (including Ghalib) Meer, Majrooh, Majaz, Momin, Iqbal, Faiz, Firaq, Faraz, Ameer Minai, Qateel Shifai, Nazeer, Sauda, Jaan Nisar Akhtar, Daag, Zauq, Jigar, Shakeel, Sahir... and a few more.
Though I avoid cliches but as they say, I never came back to normalcy again, I was sucked into this mysterious and wonderful world of said words, unsaid emotions, eternal sayings, undying philosophies, unmatched humor, twisted analogies. I became a die hard. I became a Ghazal fan. and one fine day, I became a Shayar.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

My First Ghazal - Bahut Udas Hoon Mein

Well, My first post in the blogging world. Not sure where to begin, but being a interview veteran after numerous MBA interviews, I will start with "Who am I??"

Though, I have quite a few interests and hobbies, the things which is most dear to me, closest to me is Urdu Poetry.

So, in my first post, I am daring to post a ghazal, which I wrote long back. With all due respect to all the poets in world, any error is highly regretted, Do let me know what you guys think.

So the Ghazal is: (Click on the image below for high resolution image)

Saaz-E-Afsurda : The Musical Instrument of Despair and Hopelessness.
Nabz : Pulse
Chagaron : Doctors
Khalaon : Outer Space, Shoonya, Long Distances

Please tell me your thoughts on this, criticism is good.
